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Happy New Year 2025


To Members of the Lake Sawyer South Community Association:

I want to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Boe and I am currently your HOA President. I first want to say how proud I am of our community when I drive down the streets. The holiday decorations, not only for this season, but also Halloween and Fall, are amazing. It is fun to walk around and enjoy the efforts of homeowners in showing off their holiday spirit.

It has been a whirlwind of change hitting our community and I wanted to take a moment to reach out and offer some explanations and share some exciting changes that are taking place.

Playground Update:
The biggest question in the community is about the playground. It has been a frustrating process, but also one that has brought the Board members together in pushing for results. I want to assure everyone the new systems have been ordered. There will be a system for 2-5 year olds and another system for 5-12 year olds. It is unfortunate that we lost the awning during the hurricane but that too is being replaced. We have hired a Project Manager licensed in playground safety to oversee the project making sure the details are done correctly. I am just as excited as many of you to see the new equipment being installed as my grandson asks for the playground each time we are at the pool. Patience is always difficult when you are two. Stay up to date on the progress at lakesawyersouth.com.

What is New:
On January 1st when you log into your Leland Management account you will notice something new. Your login will not change, but your access to documents and records for the community will, in accordance with Florida’s new 720 Statutes.

New Paint Schemes:
The ARB team has put together some new color schemes for the community. You will soon be able to access our new paint schemes on our website, LakeSawyerSouth.com. We are also working on a new on-line system for submitting your ARB applications. Watch for upcoming information on how to use this new system. CLICK HERE TO VIEW NEW PAINT SCHEMES.

Townhome Owners:
We recommend that you have your roofs inspected due to potential damage from hurricane Milton. While the association is responsible for general wear and tear, if storm damage occurs, homeowners are required to file a claim with their insurance or repair it out of pocket.

Also, remember that you must provide the association with an updated insurance certificate when your policy renews. The association should be named as an additional insurance party on the policy. Please submit your updated insurance certificate to Tiffany Castille at tcastille@lelandmanagement.com

If you have renters:
Homeowners who rent out their properties must have a one-year lease on file with the association. NO short term rentals or Airbnb. Additionally, you are required to provide their tenant with a copy of the association’s rules and regulations. Any questions please contact Tiffany Castille at tcastille@lelandmanagement.com.

Starting January 1st, we will have a new landscaping company on property. Some of you may have already noticed that the trees in some of the common areas have been trimmed. The Board approved a major tree trimming project for all common areas of the community. As we move forward, the Board, working with the landscape team, will be putting together a trimming schedule to keep our trees in optimum health and not impede the walkways or streets.

Roof Replacement:
Just let me say this….YOU NEED AN APPROVED ARB APPLICATION before you begin the process of replacing your roof. The ARB team is working to make the application process streamline and simple. Please watch for those changes on lakesawyersouth.com.

We are in need of new photos of the community. Personally, I would like to see photos that do not focus on the monuments but other parts of the community. If you have any photos that you are willing to share or if you are someone with a camera who enjoys taking photos, I encourage you to send them in. There will be a link on lakesawyersouth.com to use to share your photos.

A reminder that if you have a question or concern regarding the community, please contact Tiffany Castille, our Community Manager, at tcastille@lelandmanagement.com. It is important for all of us to remember she is here to help in fostering communication between you the homeowner and the Board.

How to stay informed:
Keep watching the Lake Sawyer South website for community information and check out our new site at lelandmanagement.com, where you be able to access more information. Please sign up for email blasts to be the first to hear about exciting changes in our community.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. The members of the HOA Board and the ARB Board are excited about these changes and appreciate your continued support and making Lake Sawyer South a wonderful place to live.

Happy New Year,

Important Tips for the New Year.

Irrigation Systems Check

It’s a good time for everyone to check their irrigation systems to make sure the pop ups are working and pointed in the right direction. It is also a good time to change the battery on the rain sensor that was installed on the roof.  This is for the original systems from the developer.  If your irrigation system is on and it is raining you know that you need a new battery.

Power-washing Timepressure-cleaning

It’s also a great time to clean up homes, driveways, sidewalks, and the gutters along the street.  Remember those are yours to keep clean.  To homeowners who have reclaimed water storm drain, those cement pads are also your responsibility to keep clean.  And finally, to the homeowners that have corner lots, you are responsible for the sidewalks on both sides of the home.



Roof Application Instructions

The most asked question is: Do we need ARB approval to replace our roof?  The answer is definitely yes!

The process is very quick and easy to submit your application

  1. Click here to go to the Online Application.
  2. You must know the brand of shingles that are to be used
  3. You must also know the color of drip edge that will be used
  4. You will be asked about replacement of gutters, soffits and facia


If you plan on painting your gutters, soffits and facia you will need to indicate the color that is to be used. Please check your ARB Guidelines for rules regarding your color options.

Simply hit submit, when you have completed the form and you are done.  This application will remove any doubt about the color of shingles that you can use.

New Lake Sawyer South Community Paint Schemes

The ARB is excited to provide new paint schemes starting in 2025. These schemes might be similar to what you see within the community now, because they are keeping with the Horizon West Design Plan that was initiated in 1993 in its Master Plan. What we have tried to accomplish is giving homeowners a few more options for each scheme.

How does it work?  First ,you choose the body color from the 44 available. Then if your home requires a secondary body color, it is listed. Then you pick one of two trim colors. In some cases they are close in color and other cases they are very different. Then we have updated accent colors from which you get to choose one.

We are finalizing the new online application for painting that will be a great help in walking you through the process of choosing.

What if you like your color?  You can repaint your home the same color with ARB approval. It will also be an option on the new online application.


2025 Budget Available

Residents of Lake Sawyer South are allowed to have access to our approved budgets.
If you wish a copy, CLICK HERE, or
email Tiffany at: tcastille@lelandmanagement.com.


Playground-Lake Sawyer South

Playground Closed for Refurbishment

In our on-going efforts to maintain our community amenities in tip-top shape, we are having some extensive refurbishing done to the amenities at our Playground.

While we don’t have a specific timeline now, it’s possible that the Playground will be closed up to 6 months, in order to affect these needed updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may be for your family, but are certain the new updates will provide a more fun and more safe environment for your children. Keep an eye here on the website for any updates or completion dates.

Be kind

Lake Sawyer South Neighborhood Guidelines: “Do’s and Don’ts”

In order to maintain the home values and cordial atmosphere in our neighborhoods,
we hope everyone will respect these simple “Do’s”, so we can all enjoy a safe and comfortable environment.

Do be respectful to other Dog owners and only take Waste bags you need right now.
Do be respectful to your neighbors by picking up after your dog.
Do bring your garbage and recycling cans into your garage as soon as possible, after they have been emptied.
Do use our new Putting Green with respect, and only use for Putting, not Soccer and not chairs.
• Do pick up your leaves and put them out on Yard Waste Day (Wednesday), so they don’t get into our storm drains.
• Do park your car in your driveway, and not across the sidewalk.
• Do trim the branches of your trees over the sidewalk and over the street,
so your neighbor walkers and delivery trucks
(and Post Office trucks) aren’t bumped by the low branches.
Do ask your landscapers to take away any landscaping debris.
Yard Waste should only be visible on Tuesday evenings for pick up on Wednesday morning.
• Do keep your easements (between the sidewalk and street) neat and edged properly.
• Do provide Association with a current mailing address, if you are renting your property.


Sorry, one DON’T: 

Dumping in Conservation Area.• DON’T dump your yard waste into conservation areas. It’s against the law, and violators will be prosecuted.
If you see someone dumping anything into the conservation areas please report it immediately to Tiffany at Leland Management.


Horizon West

What’s Horizon West?

Yes, if you live in Lake Sawyer South, you’re part of it!

Horizon West is a new community located in southwest Orange County designed using the principles of Garden Cities and New Urbanism to create self-sustaining, mixed-use villages. As the community continues to grow over the next few decades, this foundation ensures that new development will contribute to a sense of place, environmental preservation, excellent architectural design, quality bicycle and pedestrian facilities and vibrant community gathering places.

Horizon West includes nearly 23,000 acres of former citrus groves until the devastating freezes of the 1980s, which created the impetus to institute appropriate master planning for the area’s urbanization over time.


Recycling Tips

Waste Collection Tips

• Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
can injure waste workers and contaminate the environment.

• Check out the virtual celebration of over 30 years of recycling in Orange County,
and see what happens to your waste by watching the “Landfill Video Tour (in English and Spanish) :


Plastic bags can go in the recycling cart. –

Plastic bags and wraps should never go in the recycling cart. Visit BagandFilmRecycling.org to find a drop-off location near you.
For us, Publix would be the closest spot.

Containers must be washed before recycling –

A quick rinse or wipe is sufficient for bottles and containers to deter bugs.
Too much food or liquid can contaminate other recyclables like paper, Recyclables should be empty and dry before placing in the cart.

• It doesn’t matter what goes into the cart; it will all be sorted eventually –
Too many unacceptable items can make the recycling load too contaminated for processing.
For example, “stringy things” like hoses and wires get tangled in the sorting equipment and shut down operations for hours, even days.

• If an item has the chasing arrow triangle symbol, it can be recycled. –

The symbol indicates the type or plastic resin used to make the item and not what goes in the blue lid cart.
Remember to “Think 5” and only place these items in the recycling cart:
(1) plastic bottles, jugs, and tubs #1 – #5, (2) metal cans, (3) glass bottles and jars, (4) cardboard, and (5) paper.

Important Numbers to Know!


Call or use the App for code enforcement, violations/ordinances –
to report concerns that a deputy is not needed to attend to.

407-836-HELP (4357)

Goes straight to a deputy for assistance, but is not an emergency situation.


Call for emergency help.


Header Photo: Daya Zoldan
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay


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