Our Architectural Review Board (ARB) consists of volunteer homeowners from our community with a passion to maintain the beauty and consistency of our neighborhoods. They will review your plans for changes to ensure everything is in compliance with our guidelines. You can read through our established guidelines here: LSS ARB Guidelines 2020 When you’re ready to submit your plans for updating your home, use this Application: LSS ARB Application 2020. As a reminder, Lake Sawyer South has a policy that  applications must be sent to the ARB committee no less than 5 days before the meeting date to be considered.

Current Committee Members:

  • Shannon Boe
  • Katrina Christiano
  • Brian Curnow
  • Crystal Bernard-Converse
  • Mike Moran


The ARB meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:15 pm. Check the dates in the Events box on the left (or above, if you’re on your phone).